Quality Wooden Toys
Quality Wooden Toys
Time will stand still for children as they explore the beautiful intricacies of plants. Kids love discovering the secrets of the plant world by immersing themselves in nature and getting their hands dirty. Investigating the different parts of a plant provides a wonderful hands-on approach to learning which kids embrace. There are endless opportunities for sensory play and creativity.
This topic focuses on four main parts of a plant. The main objective at this early age is for the kids to be able to identify the different parts of a plant. If they can describe a little about the function of a particular plant part then that is a bonus! The reproductive parts of the flower has been left out as that is a topic that will be explored when the kids are a little older. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t introduce that now! Go for it if you wish!
Introduce this topic by looking at pictures of different plants or even better, venture outdoors and study the flora. Look at trees, flowers, grasses, vegetable plants and shrubs. What have all the plants got in common? Gather a range of plants or use pictures to show the kids the different parts of the plants. Discuss the functions of each part as a class. Plenty of discussion and identifying the plant parts at the start will be beneficial because sometime kids can become quite confused as plant species vary greatly and it can be difficult for kids to recognise certain parts. A stem of a tree (truck) is very different from a stem of a pumpkin plant! Create a class display showcasing the range of flora. Ask the kids to bring in pot plants from home or cut flowers. Use stickers to label each part. Have plenty of wall posters showing the different parts of a plant.
Hands on fun (ideas for play/experiments):
Look out for ‘The Living World’. The up-coming science book from New Shoots Publishing.
Try this easy hold magnifier, to help children pick up the smallest details on their flowers.
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